Friday, February 9, 2007

for capture

i captured some video to use for foreshortening calculating. the laptop and camera were on the 5th floor bridge of ap&m. ryan underwood watched the laptop while i went down and held up a green sign. there was a bit of wind, so the sign was hard to keep in a constant state.
i captured in ppm using this line:
ffmpeg -an -s 960x720 -vcodec ppm -f image2pipe foreshortening1.ppm
and converted the result to mp4 for viewing using this line:
ffmpeg -vcodec ppm -f image2pipe -i foreshortening1.ppm -vcodec mpeg4 foreshortening1.mp4
unfortunately the resulting video has skips in it and cuts off before the entire walk is done. it seems to have enough information to be usable. using this video we can count the number of pixels representing the poster and get a ratio for each y-line.
we should also be able to calculate this ratio if we know the height and distances and use 3d projection. i expect getting that information will be just as hard and more error prone.

here's the first video
and the second.

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